Amiga CD-ROM Collection
Amiga CD-ROM Collection - Auge 4000 and Cactus and Demo Util.iso
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Text File
141 lines
1 AdjustWindowDimensions [rsysintuictrl.c]
2 ComputeFont
3 compute
4 CenterWindow [rsysintuictrl.c]
5 ClearIntuiMsgPort [rsysintuictrl.c]
6 GT_GetIMsg
7 GT_ReplyIMsg
8 CloseASysWindow [rsysintuictrl.c]
9 ClearMenuStrip
10 FreeMenus
11 CloseWindow
12 FreeGadgets
13 CloseDownScreen [rsysintuictrl.c]
14 FreeVisualInfo
15 UnlockPubScreen
16 DisableSysRequest [rsysintuictrl.c]
17 FindTask
18 EmptyListView [rsysintuictrl.c]
19 InitListView [rsysintuictrl.c]
20 GT_SetGadgetAttrs
21 NewList
22 RefreshListView [rsysintuictrl.c]
23 InitListView [see line 19]
24 GT_RefreshWindow
25 EnableGadget [rsysintuictrl.c]
26 GT_SetGadgetAttrs
27 NOT
28 LockMainWindow [rsysintuictrl.c]
29 LockWindow [rsysintuictrl.c]
30 MyAllocVec
31 Request
32 UnlockWindow [rsysintuictrl.c]
33 EndRequest
34 MyFreeVec
35 RefreshMainWindowPattern [rsysintuictrl.c]
36 RefreshRastPort [rsysintuictrl.c]
37 MakePattern [rsysintuictrl.c]
38 SetAfPt
39 SetAPen
40 SetBPen
41 SetDrMd
42 RectFill
43 FillGadget [static in rsysintuictrl.c]
44 RemoveGadget
45 EraseRect
46 AddGadget
47 IntuiTextLength
48 EraseRect
49 DrawBevelBox
50 AddGList
51 RefreshWindowAndGadgets [rsysintuictrl.c]
52 RefreshGadgets
53 RefreshWindowFrame
54 GT_RefreshWindow
55 WindowToFront
56 ActivateWindow
57 PrintStatistics [rsysintuictrl.c]
58 sprintf
59 PrintInfo [rsysintuictrl.c]
60 strlen
61 strcat
62 GT_SetGadgetAttrs
63 NOT
64 WaitTOF
65 Speak
66 Delay
67 RefreshListView [see line 22]
68 MakeWindowRefresh [rsysintuictrl.c]
69 GT_BeginRefresh
70 GT_EndRefresh
71 MyEasyRequest [rsysintuictrl.c]
72 LockWindow [see line 29]
73 va_start
74 EasyRequestArgs
75 va_end
76 UnlockWindow [see line 32]
77 OpenMainWindow [rsysintuictrl.c]
78 SetupScreen [rsysintuictrl.c]
79 FindFrontPubScr [rsysintuictrl.c]
80 strncpy
81 NextPubScreen
82 LockPubScreen
83 UnlockPubScreen
84 NOT
85 LockPubScreen
86 strcpy
87 ComputeFont
88 GetVisualInfo
89 OpenASysWindow [rsysintuictrl.c]
90 ErrorHandle
91 ErrorHandle
92 PrintHeader [rsysintuictrl.c]
93 GT_SetGadgetAttrs
94 NOT
95 gadgetbuff [rsysintuictrl.c]
96 makelabelvisible [rsysintuictrl.c]
AdjustWindowDimensions [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 1]
CenterWindow [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 4]
ClearIntuiMsgPort [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 5]
CloseASysWindow [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 8]
CloseDownScreen [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 13]
DisableSysRequest [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 16]
EmptyListView [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 18]
EnableGadget [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 25]
FillGadget [static in rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 43]
FindFrontPubScr [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 79]
InitListView [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 19]
LockMainWindow [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 28]
LockWindow [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 29]
MakePattern [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 37]
MakeWindowRefresh [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 68]
MyEasyRequest [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 71]
OpenASysWindow [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 89]
OpenMainWindow [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 77]
PrintHeader [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 92]
PrintInfo [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 59]
PrintStatistics [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 57]
RefreshListView [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 22]
RefreshMainWindowPattern [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 35]
RefreshRastPort [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 36]
RefreshWindowAndGadgets [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 51]
SetupScreen [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 78]
UnlockWindow [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 32]
gadgetbuff [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 95]
makelabelvisible [rsysintuictrl.c] [see line 96]